We offer a range of carving sessions for all ages & skill levels!

Prices are subject to change, but we will honor any registrations received at the posted rates.

The Art of Carving

Art of Carving I: June 1-7, 2025, 9am - 5pm (with midday lunch break)
Art of Carving II: June 8-14, 2025, 9am - 5pm (with midday lunch break)
Instructor/s: June 1-7 Session: Berndt Savig, June 8-14 Session: Matt Johnson
$895 per session
Note: These are standalone courses that are independent of each other.

Each full session consists of seven days of immersive instruction in the art of carving limestone, including design, moving stone, splitting blocks, roughing out, using hand and pneumatic tools, and much more. Different instructors are featured each session. An introduction to using basic tools, roughing out, and working from a maquette or drawing is given on the first day. The week continues with techniques for carving and basic principles of sculpting. Instruction is geared toward each participant’s skills, needs and level of proficiency. Tools are not provided.

Included in each session: Up to 8 cubic feet of limestone per session (approximately 1,200 pounds), compressed air, electricity, water, forklift, snacks, beverages, official Symposium t-shirt.

*The team has over 100 years combined carving experience. The participant will be able to access the advice that best suits their needs. We offer guidance in technical matters, carving the human figure, abstractions and concepts, and representation of nature. The team will be carving a monumental piece, working directly in the stone.

Regular price includes one extra work-on-your-own day (a value of $65.00).

Berndt Savig

Trained in Italy, Berndt Savig is a visiting artist from Colorado with nearly 20 years of teaching experience. See Berndt’s bio ›

Matthew Johnson

A native of Andice, Texas, Matthew Johnson has over thirty years experience in the craft and business of stone carving. He is the owner and principal designer and carver of Bartlett Stone Company.

In 1991 while at Southwestern University, he apprenticed with Bob Ragan, a master stone carver based in Florence, Texas. During the course of his training, Matthew learned the intricacies of designing, cutting, and carving stone architectural elements, using a combination of both modern and ancient tools and techniques.

In 2004, he struck out on his own forming Bartlett Stone Carving. For the past 20 years he has undertaken commissions for clients across the country. He is currently a co-host of the Stone Carvers Guild Podcast.

Work on Your Own

Date: June 15-20, 2025, 9am - 5pm
$390 per session
Or $65 per day

Only for those who have completed Art of Carving I. Independent carving offers a chance to continue working in the stimulating Symposium atmosphere. Instruction is not provided.

Included: Use of power, forklift, drinks and snacks.

Adult Hand Carving

Adult Hand Carving Week 1: June 2-6, 2025 (with midday lunch break)
Adult Hand Carving Week 3: June 16-20, 2025 (with midday lunch break)
Instructor/s: Resident Carver Cheryl Anne Lorance
  • $1100 2 Full Weeks, Full Days (Mon to Fri)
  • $600 2 Full Weeks, Half Days (Mon to Fri)
  • $550 1 Full Week, Full Days (Mon to Fri)
  • $300 1 Full Week, Half Days (Mon to Fri)
  • $120 Full Day (single day)
  • $65 Half Day (single day)

Beginning instruction in hand carving; work at your own pace. One or more days, pay as you go. Multiple days do not need to be consecutive. Workshops are half day or full day Monday – Friday. Participants must bring safety glasses and wear sturdy, close-toed shoes; no sandals or flip-flops permitted.

Included: Instruction, drinks, snacks, loan of tools, and stone. (Assorted sizes. Sorry, we cannot provide cut stone to order for the hand carving sessions.) Both weeks offer the same information. Classes limited to 15. (Some exceptions with approval may apply if you have your own tools. Please contact us directly.) Sign up for Full Week/Full Days and get an official Symposium T-shirt!

Half days are from 8:30am – 12:30pm. Full days are 8:30am – 12:30pm and 1:30 – 5:30pm.

Cheryl Anne Lorance

Cheryl is a former goldsmith working in stone and cast bronze. See Cheryl’s bio ›

The Art of Lettering

Date: June 2, 2025, 9am-5pm (with midday lunch break)
Instructor/s: Janey Westin

The Indiana Limestone Symposium is offering a NEW and EXCLUSIVE class on Monday, June 2, 2025 recommended for anyone who would like to learn The Art of Lettering.

This one-day class will focus on the graphic design and layout of lettering to be done on paper, and does not involve working with stone. Students will be focusing on letterforms: Learning about proportions, balance, grace, strength, spacing and layout. Discussion of raised letters versus classic V-cut. Aspects of light and shadow. We’ll be working with pencil and a chisel-edged brush on paper.

  • #2 Pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener
  • 18”-24” ruler
  • pad of lighter-weight bond paper (minimum 16” dimension)
  • one small tube of black gouache (a type of artist paint) with a small tight-lidded container to mix it with water
  • a flat-bottom water container for dipping a brush in
  • scissors
  • painters or masking tape

If you are interested in taking the full week course in stone letter carving, please don’t register here, register in the Stone Letter Carving Session below.

Janey Westin

Janey has been carving letters since 1985, beginning as a professional calligrapher. See Janey’s bio ›

Stone Letter Carving

Date: June 2-7, 2025 9am - 5pm daily (with midday lunch break, Saturday June 7th is morning only)
Instructor/s: Janey Westin

For ages 14 and up.

Make your carved written message beautiful, whatever the language may be!

Day One is the “Art of Lettering” class, held off-site nearby, at the Ellettsville Public Library. Bring supplies as listed for that class. Sign in first at the Limestone Symposium sculpting site.

Day Two – we start making some dust, covering how to transfer your layout/design onto your stone; followed by carving technique with a flat chisel and mallet. The rest of the week, students work at their own pace on their individual pieces, with instructor help at the ready. For repeat letter carving students, Day One is excellent review of brush lettering work, and they can dive deeper into layout ideas, exploring new challenges.

Limestone, roughly 16” x 16” x 3”; loan of a flat chisel and mallet, tracing medium.

Students bring:

  • Have with you the supplies used for Day One, “Art of Lettering”. Your Instructor will have lettering brushes for students to use for Day One lettering work.
  • 1”-3” wide brushes to clean off stone
  • a piece of 80- 100 grit sandpaper
  • one dark color crayon
  • one or two bright colored pencils such as Prismacolor.

Safety glasses and closed-toe shoes are required at stone carving site. Students may bring their own flat chisels and mallet if desired, or pre-purchase from The Compleat Sculptor. Please contact instructor before purchasing.

Janey Westin

Janey has been carving letters since 1985, beginning as a professional calligrapher. See Janey’s bio ›

Kids Hand Carving

Date: June 9-13, 2025, 9am-12pm
Instructor/s: Janey Westin and Frank Young

Registration is underwritten by a generous grant from the Young Family Endowment. Beginners learn to carve on limestone blocks approximately 8 inches square. Children ages 10 – 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Included: Instruction, tools, and stone

Participants must bring safety glasses, work gloves, water, drinks and snacks, and wear sturdy, close-toed shoes, no sandals or flip-flops permitted.

This session is for kids age 10 – 18. Limited to 10 students.

Adult & Child Hand Carving

Date: June 16-20, 2025 (9am-noon)
Instructor/s: Resident Carver Cheryl Anne Lorance

Spend a week carving with a grown up. Registration for children under 18 is underwritten by a generous grant from the Young Family Endowment. Parent and child will learn to carve on limestone blocks approximately 8 inches square.

Included: Instruction, tools, and stone

Participants must bring safety glasses, work gloves, water, drinks and snacks, and wear sturdy, close-toed shoes, no sandals or flip-flops permitted.

This session is for kids age 10 – 18, along with one accompanying adult. Limited to 8 students (4 pairs).